Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Shelf Extension Update - Visible Staging Section

I am replacing the tail trail (left side of the extension) section that is used on the WFS Micro layout with a larger clipboard section that will act as a visible staging area on the extension.  I am using the foamcore clipboard method created by Chris Ellis on the new section, just like the rest of the WFS Micro.  Track is glued down with PVA glue.  The new section is wired and is held in place by a foamcore "clip" attached under the baseboard.

foamcore clip holds the sections together

I painted the track with Rustoleum Camo Brown and connected the staging section to the WFS baseboard.  Time to run a train and test it out!

Video Short of a train running on the new section...

Friday, January 24, 2025

WFS Progress - January 24, 2025

The backdrop is drying nicely, and I decided to run a couple of trains on the WFS extension.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

WFS Update January 2025

The Wetterau Food Services Micro Layout is now part of an extension of my Owensville Terminal Railroad OASIS District Layout. I have set up the micro on a shelf that will serve as a destination for a local that runs out of Fourth Street Yard (1' x 8' OASIS District Layout). I've been working on the extension since my last post, and the following photos shows the progress.

Photo Highlights  

I'm using oil paints for the back scene 

The extension scene still has a long way to go, but the initial backdrop scene enhances the visual depth of the layout quite a bit. 

Technically the layout is still portable; however, I do not plan to take the layout to any train shows in the foreseeable future. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

WFS Connected

I finished construction of the removable staging section, and have connected the WFS with the OASIS District layout. Everything tested out perfectly.

I have decided to leave the tail track in place on the left side of the WFS instead of building a longer section. The extra 8 inches available doesn't help much, so no need to change things here.

The new staging area does not require scenery, but I will probably paint this a dark gray or black. It will also be hidden behind a low-level fascia board as well. Here's a video of the first test run of the connecting section.

I'm setting up a new tool to assist with operating the layout. More on that in the near future! 


Monday, January 1, 2024

WFS New Shelf Home

I was able to install the shelf for the extension in my layout room this past Saturday. The original staging tracks for my Wetterau Food Services micro will be replaced with a new one that will connect the WFS warehouse with the OASIS District Layout situated around the corner. This original staging section will be used when the layout goes out to train shows in the future. 

Original Staging section will not be used on the home version 

Time to pick up some plywood and build the removable staging section so I can start running some trains!

The length of the staging track to the right of the overpass doesn't require much length to be functional for my needs. This will give me about 24 inches of space to the left to add additional staging if I wish. Still thinking about my options for this section. 

I have some flexibility on the left side of the WFS as well. My 16" tail track section that is used for train shows could be used, but my right side changes to staging means some additional space to use on the left side. I have 24" of shelf space, so I could add a turnout to create a short spur track. This would give me an additional industry for switching activities. I could also make this an additional hidden staging area for a local freight to exit stage left. Not sure which option I will choose. 

If all goes well, I could have the WFS connected to the OASIS District Layout within a week or two. We will see. Stay tuned! 


Saturday, December 30, 2023

WFS Layout Update

Shelving the Layout

The Wetterau Food Services Micro Layout baseboard will turn 10 years old in 2024.  Construction of the layout was completed in February of 2016.  It is hard to believe the completed layout is already 8 years old as well.

Sadly, the layout has spent most of its life stored in a Rubbermaid storage container.  Its last train show exhibition was back in June of 2019.  I did set it up back in January of 2023 in my house, but that was temporary.  The layout was out for about two weeks, then it went right back into its container.   

This Christmas season, I have made the decision to shelf the layout.  Now, that doesn't mean it is going into the trash bin, but it does mean I am setting up a shelf in my layout room to display and operate the layout as part of my Owensville Terminal OASIS District layout!

I am currently in the process of setting up a shelf in the layout room that will make a connection with my OASIS District switching layout.  There is only one trivial problem with connecting the two layouts. The WFS is based on a prototype location that is nowhere near the location of my fictitious Owensville Terminal Railroad.  No problem, since I can alter reality and move the WFS from Desloge to Owensville, Missouri.  My layout, my reality!!  

The operating premise will be basically the same for the WFS, although I am going to change things slightly.  The original set up for the WFS features the grocery warehouse along with a spur track that leads to a glass container factory (hidden staging).  The warehouse set up will remain the same.  The hidden staging tracks that ducks under the over pass will also remain, but they will no longer connect to another industry.  It will now represent a siding track that reconnects to the main out of view.  I can use it to store empties and use it as a fiddle track.  Cars can be fiddled on and off and/or stored on this hidden track.  The main track will now connect to the OASIS District section via a curved staging track that will be removable when the two layouts are not being operated.  The following track plan shows the set up for the two layouts...

Here is the operating scheme I envision for the two layouts.  The OASIS District feature an industrial yard that serves several industries located in Owensville.  It receives inbound cars from an interchange track (bottom of track plan) and transfer runs from the staging track (area in gray). The yard crews will conduct transfer and switching operations at Owensville, then they will head south to switch the grocery warehouse located several miles away.    This local will pick up and set out cars as needed at the warehouse, then return to the industrial yard with any cars that need to be transferred back to the main classification yard of the Owensville Terminal Railroad (offline location).  This operating scheme could easily keep two to three people busy with lots of switching opportunities to boot. 

Construction should go quickly and I hope to be operating the WFS again on a regular basis as a home layout.  The layout is not going to be permanently attached to the shelf, so it can be packed up and exhibited at train shows as well.

I want to give a special shout out to Mike Kieran for making the suggestion to use the WFS as part of the Owensville Terminal OASIS District Layout.  Thanks, Mike!!

I will be posting shelf installation updates as progress is made.  Stay tuned!