Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Shelf Extension Update - Visible Staging Section

I am replacing the tail trail (left side of the extension) section that is used on the WFS Micro layout with a larger clipboard section that will act as a visible staging area on the extension.  I am using the foamcore clipboard method created by Chris Ellis on the new section, just like the rest of the WFS Micro.  Track is glued down with PVA glue.  The new section is wired and is held in place by a foamcore "clip" attached under the baseboard.

foamcore clip holds the sections together

I painted the track with Rustoleum Camo Brown and connected the staging section to the WFS baseboard.  Time to run a train and test it out!

Video Short of a train running on the new section...

Friday, January 24, 2025

WFS Progress - January 24, 2025

The backdrop is drying nicely, and I decided to run a couple of trains on the WFS extension.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

WFS Update January 2025

The Wetterau Food Services Micro Layout is now part of an extension of my Owensville Terminal Railroad OASIS District Layout. I have set up the micro on a shelf that will serve as a destination for a local that runs out of Fourth Street Yard (1' x 8' OASIS District Layout). I've been working on the extension since my last post, and the following photos shows the progress.

Photo Highlights  

I'm using oil paints for the back scene 

The extension scene still has a long way to go, but the initial backdrop scene enhances the visual depth of the layout quite a bit. 

Technically the layout is still portable; however, I do not plan to take the layout to any train shows in the foreseeable future.